AlabamaWorks was created by the Alabama Workforce Council in 2015 to unify workforce training, placement, and informational resources into an effective network of “state, educational, business support, and other service organizations.”
The stated mission of AlabamaWorks is to:
recruit, train, and empower a highly-skilled workforce driven by business and industry needs and to be the competitive advantage for Alabama’s economic growth.
This “springboard” for success is beneficial for employers, jobseekers, and students.
AlabamaWorks strives to improve the quality of life for residents across the state and to create opportunities that allow for “profitability and economic growth.”
The Talent Triad
The Alabama Talent Triad creates a symbiotic relationship between the AlabamaWorks pillars of success: https://talent.alabamaworks.com/.
- Alabama Credential Registry – Transparent credentials denoting mastery of skills.
- Alabama’s Skills-Based Job Description Generator and Employer Portal – Customized job descriptions by the employer, based on the “DNA” of the job.
- ACCET: Alabama College and Career Exploration Tool – A learning and employment record that provides verified digital resumes for job seekers, linked directly to skills-based job descriptions generated by employers.
Image Source: https://talent.alabamaworks.com/
Workforce Strategic Plan
AlabamaWorks is the launchpad for Governor Ivey’s Workforce Strategic Plan and her “commitment to a better future” for Alabamians, striving to achieve the ambitious goals of:
- Adding 500,000 credentialed Alabamians to the workforce
- Surpassing the national labor force participation rate by 2025
The plan is based on 3 pillars:
- No Wrong Door
- Pioneering Data-Driven System (mitigate the loss of public benefits)
- Competency-Based Career Paths
Veteran Priority
The U.S. Department of Labor offers grant funds to the State of Alabama for employment and training services to eligible residents and workers. As a condition to receiving those funds, priority-of-service will be given to qualified veterans when referring individuals to job openings, DOL-funded training programs, or related services. To find out more, please visit your local career center.
More Alabama Workforces Resources
The AlabamaWorks resources page is full of other resources for Alabama’s Employers, Job Seekers, and Students as well as specific resources for Veterans, Older Workers, and the Unemployed. Click the link to learn more: https://alabamaworks.com/resources/.
AlabamaWorks Contacts:
Jacqueline Allen
Assistant Director of Communications & External Affairs
One Technology Court, Montgomery, AL 36116
Phone: (334) 280-4440
Cell: (334) 328-7121
Fax: (334) 242-0299
[email protected]
Ed Castile
Department of Commerce, Deputy Secretary
One Technology Court, Montgomery, AL 36116
Phone: (334) 280-4411
Cell: (334) 328-2523
[email protected]
AlabamaWorks Partners
Alabama Workforce Council
The Alabama Workforce Council was created to foster collaboration between government, industry, and education. The AWC is comprised of educators and business/industry executives from throughout the state tasked with ensuring that all Alabamians have the capacity to pursue their educational goals and realize long-term career opportunities.
Alabama Community College System
The Alabama Community College System (ACCS) provides a wide range of services to help both job seekers and employers reach their potential. Job placement and training assistance are available through the Alabama Career Center System. Skills assessment and training programs are available for existing, expanding, and new businesses through ATN.
Alabama Technology Network
The Alabama Technology Network is a part of the Alabama Community College System and the Manufacturing Extension Partnership. ATN’s team of experts helps solve the needs of industry and business through innovative, sustainable, cost-effective solutions. We can conduct detailed needs assessments, outline potential solutions based on the results, and then provide technical assistance to help you solve those problems or identify those who can.
Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services
Alabama’s Vocational Rehabilitation Service, a program of the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS), provides specialized employment and education-related services to Alabamians with disabilities to assist them in gaining and maintaining employment.

READI-Net (Resources for Employment and Disability Information Network) is the business relations program of the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS). Through local business relations consultants, READI-Net provides no-cost, customized recruitment and retention services, training, and other disability and employment-related resources to Alabama businesses and industries.
K-12 Career and Technical Education/Workforce Development
This division of the Alabama State Department of Education is focused on helping students achieve success through leadership development, career awareness, and academic excellence. This division also provides service to Alabama’s teachers, education administrators, and counselors through professional development that works to further K-12 student achievement and project-based learning.
Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind
The Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind (AIDB) is the world’s most comprehensive education, rehabilitation, and service program serving individuals of all ages who are deaf, blind, deaf-blind, and multi-disabled. AIDB now serves more than 24,215 infants, toddlers, children, adults, and seniors with hearing and vision loss throughout Alabama each year.